Golf is more expensive when you play in the early part of the day.
This is unfortunate for those who love a morning round.
However, there are some reasons behind this.
If you have been wondering why golf is more expensive in the morning, we have the answers you need.
After many years in the golf industry, we have some insider tips for saving money on your next round of golf.
Why Is Golf More Expensive In The Morning?
Golf is more expensive in the morning because of the higher demand to play.
If golfers want to make the most of their day, they must play golf early in the morning to be available later in the afternoon to do other things.
In addition to the higher demand to play in the morning, there are some other reasons why golf is more expensive in the morning.
Let’s look at all these reasons and see which one impacts the cost of your morning round.
1. Greater Demand
Golf is more expensive in the morning because this is the time that most golfers want to play.
If you look at a large portion of the golfing population, you will see that they are retired professionals.
These people do not have to work anymore and are therefore looking for a way to fill their day with something to do.
Therefore it is most expensive to play golf in the morning hours because the high demand increases prices.
Golf courses need to make money when they can, so they take advantage of these times of day and ensure that people have higher rates to pay.
If you have the time to play golf at a different hour of the day, you will be pleasantly surprised by how much cheaper it can get.
2. Faster Pace Of Play
Even though mornings are busy, they often have a faster pace of play than you will find later in the day.
As the golf course continues to move through the morning hours, it gets busier and filled with more people.
This faster pace of play is a significant draw to get out on the golf course early and enjoy your round.
When you don’t have a faster pace of play, you could go from a four-hour round to five hours or more.
Of course, the first tee times of the day will be the fastest.
However, if you play within the first few hours, it should still be relatively fast.
3. Better Course Conditions
Golf course conditions are considerably better first thing in the morning.
By the end of the day, the golf course can be pretty trampled.
Hundreds of people will have played the course, and there are sand traps that were likely not raked.
In addition, pitch marks on the green can be a major problem for a smooth roll on your putts.
Golf course conditions are difficult to work with later in the day.
If you are one of those golfers that doesn’t rake the bunker or fix your ball marks, you really won’t have much to complain about.
However, we should all work harder to make sure that the golf course conditions are as excellent as they can be.
Golfers that play later in the day may have to deal with some scuffed-up greens, but the rest of the course should be in good condition.
4. Can Still Plan Other Things That Day
Morning golf rounds are more expensive because golfers want to spend more time doing other things in their day and not necessarily be on the course at all times.
If you are a busy working professional, sometimes it is possible to get nine holes of golf in before you head to the office.
For those that have housework or chores to do, an early round of golf can leave you feeling accomplished with the whole day in front of you.
Some golfers also enjoy lunch after a round of golf.
These early rounds set you up nicely for lunch with friends after golf.
Over time it makes sense to play golf at different times of the day, so you can experience how it is in both the morning and the afternoon.
However, if you are looking to enjoy your day to the fullest, an early round of golf does make it easier.
5. Daylight
In some areas of the country, it can get dark early.
This early darkness makes it so that golfers must play early in the morning to ensure they can get a full 18 holes of golf in.
Most courses have a discounted rate as you get later in the day.
For instance, when you move towards the 2:00 time, when it would be questionable if you are going to finish your round of golf, the pricing starts to drop a bit.
Daylight hours are precious for golfers, and playing during them certainly increases the total cost.
What Is Twilight Golf?
Twilight golf is played later in the day when there is a chance that your entire round will not have enough time to be completed.
For some golfers, twilight golf can make a lot of sense because the pricing is considerably reduced.
You are playing in that 2-3 pm range when many people are busy or not available for a round of golf.
Twilight golf can be even less expensive if you decide to walk the course instead of riding the cart.
Another great thing about twilight golf is the fact that the course starts to empty, so you may pay an even lower rate for the round.
Is Playing Twilight Golf Worth It?
Playing twilight golf has always been a way to save money and enjoy a round of golf.
However, in addition to saving money, twilight golf can also ensure that you have a way to relax in the afternoons.
Golfers that play an afternoon round can tell you that the golf course is a wonderful place to be in the late afternoon hours.
There are fewer people on the course, so throwing down an extra ball to practice a shot is typically not a problem.
Twilight golf also ensures that you can play more for the same amount of money.
It’s a great way to get in some exercise and a little work on your game at the end of your day.
If you want to take friends or guests golfing, the rates for these rounds are usually considerably less expensive as well.
The bottom line is that there are a ton of benefits to twilight golf to make it beneficial.
Once you try it, you will be glad you did.
Final Thoughts
We hope you now feel a bit more in the loop about why golf is more expensive in the morning.
This has always been the case, and it likely won’t change in the near future.
Keep your eye out for specials and deals during the week, but during the early morning hours, expect that the round is always going to be priced a bit higher.
Twilight golf is your alternative, and this can be a great way to save money and enjoy your time playing golf.
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