As golfers, we expect to pay a good amount of money for the clubs we put in our bags.
Through the years, golf clubs have continued to increase in price and it is quite difficult to find clubs that anyone would consider cheap at this point.
However, some companies take the pricing of golf clubs to the extreme.
The PXG Golf clubs are some of the most expensive on the market, and it has many golfers wondering if this is an investment that is going to be a smart one for their game.
When you pay almost three times the amount you would for another club, how can you be sure that you are paying for something that is worth it?
PXG Golf clubs are expensive and there are quite a few reasons behind it.
Here are the top ten reasons that you will pay quite a bit more to put PXG clubs in your golf bag.
Why Are PXG Golf Clubs So Expensive? (Top 10 Reasons)
1. Custom Fitting
The PXG golf clubs are not meant to be purchased from a shelf.
The concept that the company is built on is that the clubs will be best suited for a custom fitting.
Custom fitting is an important concept in golf, and it is only growing.
Most people who purchase a new set of clubs today are going to go through a custom fitting process prior to their purchase.
Buying golf clubs off of a shelf does not provide you with something that is built specifically for your game.
Now that the technology is there to prove that custom-fitted golf clubs are better, more and more golf manufacturers are recommending it.
If you want to get your hands on PXG golf clubs, you will have to find a local fitter and see what the best set for you would be.
Even if you go to the big box golf stores looking to try out this brand, you are likely not going to find it.
PXG has relationships with some of the top golf club fitters in the country to ensure that their golf fittings are also completed properly.
When you go for a PXG fitting, everything is measured, tracked, and analyzed to ensure that you are getting the right fit in your golf clubs.
This process is an additional expense, and then from there, your golf clubs are going to be made custom for your game.
When you look at going through this process with other companies, you will also see a price increase.
The custom-fit golf clubs take more time and require more labor, and therefore, they have higher prices than other options on the market.
Many find that it is worth paying the money for the better clubs from the start.
When you get a custom fit set of golf clubs, you will have a much greater chance of keeping the clubs for five years or more.
This helps the golf clubs to have a better long-term value, in addition to being a better choice for your golf game overall.
Although the process of getting custom PXG golf clubs is more involved than grabbing a set of clubs off the shelf, it was done for a reason, and it certainly makes clubs more expensive.
2. Owner Of PXG Created A Premium Brand
The owner of PXG is a man by the name of Bob Parsons.
He started the company back in 2014, but it took a few years for the PXG golf brand name to really get going.
The PXG stands for Parsons Xtreme Golf.
Mr. Parsons started the company because he wanted to prove that there was better technology out there, and he could create it.
What we have learned from PXG is that their technology is quite impressive, and Parsons did have some points to prove by starting this company.
The founder of PXG is also the founder of GoDaddy.
As you can imagine, this has made him a billionaire, and he is able to start companies like PXG and not hold back at all when it comes to expenses.
The idea from the start was to create a premium golf club.
At no point did Parsons want this to be a discount company where people could find a deal on golf clubs.
He believed that the clubs would be made better with more advanced materials and technology, and people would pay for it.
No expense has been spared during the process, and of course, that is going to increase the overall price that you will pay for a set of PXG irons.
Although these clubs have the technology and performance to justify the pricing, you will find that a major reason they are expensive is simply that they are designed to be.
From the start, this was meant to be a designer high-end premium brand.
For those who are looking for a discount or a deal, there are other companies for that.
Interestingly, people have still purchased PXG golf clubs and have rarely complained about the price.
Parsons is going after a specific demographic, and they have responded well to his experiment in the world of golf.
3. Materials
To make premium golf clubs, you must use premium materials.
Ensuring that the clubs are made with top-of-the-line materials will make it so that your clubs feel better and hold up over time.
The PXG irons are really where the golf clubs stand out.
Although the fairway woods, hybrids, and drivers are good, they don’t offer as much of a competitive advantage over the rest of the market.
However, with the irons, the difference is apparent.
The club heads are made with 8620 carbon steel, and of course, there is tungsten weighting integrated into the club head.
Sourcing the materials for a great set of golf clubs can undoubtedly add to the overall cost that you pay.
When you purchase clubs with better materials, you get more feel and increased consistency.
A golf club that has consistent performance and feel will, without a doubt, be a smart addition to your game.
At PXG, the cost of materials will be one of the major reasons that these clubs are so expensive.
It does not matter which iron set you are purchasing as only the highest-end materials will be used to design and create the club.
This is a level of quality assurance that you get as a customer, but in the end, it will undoubtedly end up costing you quite a bit more money.
4. Technologies
The technologies used in the PXG irons are some of the best that are available on the market.
Depending on what golf iron you are looking at, you will notice that the technology changes quite a bit.
There are many different PXG options on the market to choose from, and they are all going to have their own unique benefits.
The technology included in these irons allows for better distance, forgiveness, and feel.
In the forged iron head, there is a five time forging process that the iron goes through.
When a club is forged, the particles within the club head and face move closer together.
The result of this forging process is that there is less vibration at impact.
With the particles in the club head all touching each other more closely when you make contact with the ball, it tends to feel quite a bit better.
Most of the top clubs on the market are double forged, making the PXG five-time forged clubs a major improvement from other companies.
If you are a player who is particular about the way a golf club feels, the PXG is going to be a smart choice.
In addition, it is also essential for PXG customers to know about the custom weighting technology found in these irons.
On the club head of some of the best PXG clubs are custom weights that allow you to manipulate the club head and get it to feel and perform differently.
In the past, golfers were having to do this by adding lead tape or simply buying a new set of golf clubs.
Overall, the technology makes it feel like you have a custom fit set of clubs that continues to adapt to your needs.
If you care about technology and staying on top of what the golf world has to offer, PXG will be a smart choice to add to your bag.
5. Adjustments To Clubs
With many custom-fitted golf clubs, you are going to get one shot at getting the fitting right.
You will find that if your game changes a few years later and you need an adjustment to the club, the pricing is going to be quite high.
In addition, with some golf club manufacturers and club shaft combinations, the adjustments may not be possible.
However, with PXG, when you purchase the golf clubs, you are also purchasing free adjustments to the clubs for life.
As long as you are able to prove your original purchase and you go to an authorized PXG fitter, they will do anything to your clubs that you need and not charge you for it.
For some golfers with a swing change also comes some changes to the loft or lie angle in the clubs.
If you are not sure of your custom fitting process and think that the clubs may need to be tweaked through the years, PXG is a smart investment.
However, as you can imagine, having a benefit like this is going to be paid for somewhere along the way.
As they say, nothing in life is truly free.
Therefore, when you are paying for the PXG golf clubs, you must ensure that you are also considering the fact that these clubs will be a good fit for many years to come.
6. Market Will Pay
Certainly, there are people who are going to complain about the pricing of PXG clubs.
In addition, there will be some who will never be able to afford these clubs.
However, there is an entire world of golfers who are completely capable of affording and playing with the PXG golf clubs.
For a manufacturer of a product to decide whether or not it is working at the current price range it is selling, the market can easily be tested.
When PXG golf clubs were released, even at a price of several hundred dollars per iron head, the market had no problem paying for it.
Those who have money and want the best performance and technology on the market have no issues paying for a brand that will give it to them.
It is interesting, however, that when PXG releases their premium drivers, fairway woods, and hybrids, the pricing is in line with all other golf manufacturers on the market.
In fact, some of the driver pricing is considerably lower than other clubs on the market.
Maybe this has to do with the technology, or maybe PXG is trying to grab another part of the golf marketplace.
Essentially, they may be trying to get the lower-income golfers to latch on to the long game technology and then eventually upgrade their golf irons to go along with it.
The bottom line is that the market will pay for high-end golf clubs, so manufacturers keep making them.
In the last few years, when you look at iron releases, you will notice an overall increase in price.
Customers are looking for golf clubs that bring an entirely new level of performance to the game, and they have no issues paying the extra money for it.
7. Discounts For Veterans And Military
When you are a veteran or active military, the pricing that you pay for PXG golf clubs is going to be considerably lower.
From the start, when Parsons created the company, he wanted to ensure that these hard-working individuals still had a chance to purchase his golf clubs at a fair price.
The discount on the clubs will take the pricing of PXG clubs down to a much more affordable level.
For those who are in these professions, this is a great thing about the PXG brand.
However, it does make the average consumer wonder if they pay a little more to help support this initiative.
The truth is the price that an average golfer (not employed by the military) is going to pay for a set of irons is probably a bit higher because of these incentives that are offered.
Of course, it’s hard to say whether or not this makes a significant difference in the overall pricing, but it is a factor to consider.
Most won’t complain about veterans or active-duty military getting a discount on their golf clubs, and it has certainly helped to change the face of PXG as a company.
The overall positive public relations for taking on an initiative like this have helped them sell quite a few more clubs.
8. Good Marketing
We know that marketing adds to the costs of everything we pay for.
Today, marketing is more expensive than it ever has been.
There are so many ways to get in front of a consumer, and as a company, there is reason to take part in almost any type of marketing out there.
The thing about good marketing is that it allows the company to be portrayed in a very specific light.
PXG has done a great job of letting consumers and potential customers know who they are and what their mission is.
When you spend some time on the PXG website, you will notice that the pictures are good, the wording is easy to understand, and you quickly realize what the brand is all about.
The PXG brand is very clear about who they are and what their goals are in the industry.
It is essential to keep this in mind because the work they have put in to develop the brand into what it is will certainly make the clubs more expensive.
This can be said for companies like TaylorMade, Callaway, and others as well.
The time and money spent branding and working to increase the awareness most often will pay off and allow the clubs to be loved by the customers.
There is no question that golfers have fallen hard for this PXG brand, but whether it is the high pricing, good marketing, or actual impressive feel and technology of the club remains to be seen.
9. Research And Development
To have some of the best technology on the market, you will have to do quite a bit of research and development.
As you can see from the PXG iron lineup, this is where the majority of their business is centered.
To properly stand on the top of the golf iron market, a lot of research and development must be done.
Research and development bring high costs because of product testing and the time and labor that are involved.
Sometimes with research and development, there are different types of materials used, and lots of time is spent on the project.
In the end, this only increases the costs that you pay for the product.
When you are looking for a set of PXG irons, you will notice that there are many different club heads to choose from.
Each of these club heads has its own mold and process, and that makes you realize how much time and money has gone into the research and development phase of this process.
Overall, it is hard to imagine creating this many golf clubs and then having the setup available to create them all customized for each consumer daily.
This part of the process and development of the PXG irons has certainly led to an increase in their pricing.
10. Luxury
PXG is a luxury golf brand.
Without a doubt, Parsons wanted his product to be looked at as a luxury item for golfers to purchase.
As a billionaire, Parsons has a pretty good handle on what makes something luxurious and who would want to have it in their golf bag.
He pinpointed this market of golfers very well, and he effectively markets to them with each new release of a golf club.
Those with a lot of discretionary income tend to gravitate towards the PXG golf clubs before they even try out other brands.
These higher-income golfers believe that the product is better because it is a luxury brand, and they have no problem paying for it.
This is certainly an interesting concept, and although it may not be the way that many golf consumers purchase clubs, it is working for PXG.
Don’t expect PXG to reduce their pricing on their higher-end irons any time soon.
The overall cost of the clubs is going to be high for years to come.
After all, PXG is completely fine with being considered the most expensive golf iron on the market.
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