Golf cart storage is something that must be taken seriously and properly prepared for in order to keep them as strong as possible for years to come.
However, some people may have limited storage options for their cart and want to leave them outside.
Is this a wise decision, or is there a chance it could damage your golf cart?
Let’s read on to find out whether or not this choice will backfire on you.
Can Golf Carts Be Left Outside?
Yes, golf carts can be left outside for both short- and long-term periods, though this does end up shortening their life if you choose to do so.
Though this problem is less of a concern when parking your golf cart for a short time, such as overnight or even for a week, longer outdoor storage times can wear down your cart in a variety of ways and cause damage to its surface and exterior.
For example, rain can cause damage to not only the metal parts of your cart but the plastic ones as well.
Rain can also cause mold to grow on both the exterior and interior of your cart, staining its surface.
Mold can also affect electrical elements by working its way onto wires and other areas of the cart, making them run less effectively while triggering other issues with golf cart operation at the same time.
The same issue can affect your electrical elements, such as your battery and your wires, if rain gets on them and works its way onto their various parts.
This issue is one which can be very destructive and is something you need to prepare for when storing your cart outside.
Don’t forget, snow and hail can cause similar damage, not to mention wind eroding the sides of the cart and animals like mice and birds working their way into the cart.
If you do want to store your cart outside, you need to remove the canopy or cover, take out the battery and put it on a trickle charge, wrap the cart body with a good tarp, tie it down to keep out any moisture or animals, and check on it periodically throughout the winter.
Remove snow as it piles on the cart and wipe it down when you can.
You can choose an indoor storage option instead.
What Indoor Storage Options are Best?
If you want to protect your golf cart as much as possible, you should find a storage option which keeps it away from the outdoor elements.
There are three options we think are best for your needs.
Make sure to carefully read through these options to decide which is the best for your needs.
1. Garage or Carport
Garages are a great place to store your golf cart if you have extra room.
They are often more temperature-controlled, safe from the environment, and easy to check on.
If you live in an apartment or just have a carport for your home, you can also use these to store your cart.
Though not as protective, they are better than leaving your cart out in the open and can be adapted by covering your cart.
If, for any reason, you do not have a garage or a carport at your home or apartment, you can purchase a portable option.
These are quite easy to put up and are often quite strong and surprisingly durable.
That said, do not expect the same level of protection as you would get from a normal garage or carport.
Make sure to keep the tires fully inflated and the battery charged when using this storage option.
2. Shed or Barns
If you have a small shed or even a large barn on your property, you can easily adapt these for cart storage.
Typically, a small shed is a better option for a number of reasons.
First of all, they are easier to heat up and manage moisture because they are more contained.
Also, you can build them more easily should you decide to add one to your property to protect your cart.
Barns can be adapted to storage golf carts but can be a challenge because they are so large that it is hard to heat them and keep your cart safe.
Controlling animals is more difficult because they’ll have more potential invasion routes.
That said, if you use various types of exclusion pest control to keep out mice and other animals and place a heater near your golf cart, you can keep it safe.
3. Rentable Storage Units
Those who cannot afford a more permanent storage option – such as anybody who doesn’t want to pay to build a garage or a shed – may find that a rentable storage unit is a great choice.
These will require you to transport your cart to the storage center and rent them for the full storage period.
The costs for this are quite low – though will be more over your lifetime than just building a shed or garage.
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