Depending on where in the country you live, chances are you have heard the term golf season referred to quite often.
The golf season often indicates the time of year that it is best to play golf.
However, this time of year can change based on where you live and what the conditions are like on your golf courses.
If you have wondered what the traditional golf season is and when the best time of year to play golf is, we have you covered.
When Is Golf Season?
Golf season is typically defined in the United States as May 1st to September 30th.
In most areas of the country, it is warm enough to play golf during these months.
The golf courses tend to have better conditions, and even if it’s a bit warm or cold, you can adjust and get in a great round of golf.
Of course, in areas like Florida, where the temperature is a bit milder throughout the year, you can play quite a bit of golf.
In addition, there are some areas where golfers are brave, and they rough the cold temperatures and play golf all year long.
It can be hard to give up golf for several months and then go back out there to try to start playing again.
Instead, it makes the most sense to try and play as often as you can.
What Is The Best Season To Play Golf?
All golfers have their favorite time of year to play golf.
We always like the summer because the golf ball flies considerably further, but there are positives and negatives to each season.
Most golfers like summer golf, but fall golf and spring golf can be popular as well.
Here is a brief guide on the best seasons to play golf and some tips to make sure you are prepared for any type of weather that could come your way.
1. Winter
Winter is tough.
Unless you live in a warmer climate like Florida or California, you can experience some really rough winter temperatures.
In addition, if there is any type of wintery precipitation, the winter months make it difficult to play.
Golf courses will shut down, and you will be stuck trying to find indoor simulators and other solutions to work on your game.
However, there are some positives to understand about winter golf.
First of all, technology has come a long way, and now there are clothing options that will hold in more heat and keep you from getting cold on the course.
In addition, golf cart heaters also make it so you have a warm place to relax in between shots.
Electric hand warmers and waterproof clothing are all options for making yourself more comfortable on the course.
This extra gear comes at a cost, but it can greatly extend your season.
Some players love winter golf because they are often the only ones on the course.
If you like to play fast and can’t stand fairways loaded up with foursome after foursome, winter golf will be a welcome experience.
Keep in mind that playing with a lower-compression golf ball in the winter months can really help to encourage more distance.
Distance is one of the first things to go when you play in the winter, and adding in the lower compression ball may make you less worried about this loss of distance.
2. Spring
Spring is a time of year when many golfers are excited to get out and play.
By now, all the equipment for the year has been released, and you may have some shiny new clubs ready to get out there and be used.
Springtime is fun, but it can be busy on the course as well.
One of the issues you have to prepare for with Spring golf can be rain and wet conditions.
In climates where things are just starting to warm up, there are areas of the course that are often muddy.
This can lead to embedded golf balls and shots that are almost unfair to hit.
Luckily, many golf courses will put local rules in place that can improve the chance of you ending up with a fair lie.
Try to schedule your spring tee times slightly later in the day because the combination of dew and wet turf makes for a sloppy round.
Give yourself a bit of leniency in the spring.
Chances are your scores will not be nearly as low as they will be in the summer.
If you took the winter off, your mind and your body need some time to get back into the swing of things.
3. Summer
Summer is a very popular time of year to enjoy playing golf.
This is truly what most will refer to as the golf season.
Playing golf in the summer means you get the best course conditions, the nicest weather, and some great distance from your golf shots.
The downside of course to summer golf is that the courses will be crowded.
They’re so crowded, in fact, that you may have a hard time getting a tee time.
In the summer, it also gets really hot in certain areas.
Try to play courses where you can get early morning or late afternoon tee times.
This is when the sun is slightly lower in the sky, and you won’t be quite as warm out on the course.
In addition, you will want to think about protecting your skin as you play a round of golf.
Summer weather conditions are pleasant, but they won’t be all that pleasant if you get a sunburn.
4. Fall
Fall is one of our favorite times to play because the summer heat is over, the large crowds leave, and the golf courses are often in excellent shape.
In the fall, you can expect that there will be some difficulty finding golf balls because of the dropping leaves.
However, outside of that, the weather conditions are pleasant.
For fall golf, you will only need to consider a pullover or something similar in most areas.
The really difficult clothing that makes it hard to even swing the golf club will be something you take out a little later on in the year.
The more you play the game of golf, the more you will narrow down the season into months.
You may find that June has become your favorite month, but many people like September.
By this time of the year, their game is starting to really get into a good place, and the course conditions are excellent, with fewer people out there to crowd them.
Some courses have even started to offer deals to golfers that play in these off-season months, and that can make your next round of golf a bit cheaper.
How Long Is Golf Season In Florida?
Florida is the golf capital of the country, and that is because the golf season lasts so long in Florida.
In fact, golfers will play golf all year long in most areas of Florida.
For those unfamiliar with Florida, it’s important to remember that some areas in the state are not as warm as others.
Once you get south past West Palm Beach, you mostly have warm temperatures all year long.
However, areas in Jacksonville and even Orlando can get freezing temperatures.
The key here is that the freezing temperatures typically don’t last.
In addition, when you get a day or two of cold, the golf course is still in relatively good shape from the warm days that preceded the cold.
If a Michigan winter day gets up to 50 degrees, the golf courses are still likely going to be frozen.
However, this won’t be the case throughout most of Florida.
If you are really particular about temperatures and want to be sure you are in a climate that is going to be warm all year, then you must look at the southernmost point in Florida.
This is where you will find people wearing shorts and t-shirts for 12 months of the year.
Remember, though, that when it is cold everywhere else and warm in Florida, the golf crowds are going to be pretty extreme.
Can You Play Golf All Year Round?
Many golfers will play golf all year round.
Only you know what your tolerances are as far as temperatures are concerned.
Some players claim they will only go out to play if it is above 50 degrees.
Others will say 40 is warm enough for them to enjoy a round.
There is really no right or wrong answer here.
This is more about what matters to you and whether or not you even enjoy playing in the cold.
Some golfers are so obsessed with the sport that they don’t want to put the clubs down at all.
This is certainly understandable, as it is a great game.
However, sometimes a little break can be a good thing.
You can work on your putting indoors, try to practice a little bit of chipping, and maybe even get fitted for a new set of clubs.
Chances are you will still be itching to get out on the course, but you won’t have to completely give it up.
Is Golf A Winter Sport?
Golf is not traditionally considered to be a winter sport, but it certainly can be.
With golf equipment continually getting better, and golf clothing helping players accommodate any temperature or condition, winter golf is, without a doubt, a possibility.
The biggest problem you will likely run into with winter golf is golf course availability.
So many golf courses have to close their doors in the winter because the grass isn’t growing and the course gets beaten up.
In addition, when the ground is frozen, it’s nearly impossible to play golf.
This is why we see so many areas in the country start to offer golf simulators for players to use.
These simulators make it much more enjoyable to work on your swing and even play a round of golf at a high-end golf club.
If you are interested in playing golf in the winter, we highly recommend you walk the course as it will keep you much warmer.
Hopefully, you now feel a bit more knowledgeable about the golf season.
Although the season will change based on your exact location, this gives you a general breakdown of what you can expect regarding the weather and the conditions you will experience.
Playing golf all year long comes down to determination.
Are you determined to play all year, or do you want some time off?
If you are determined to play, be sure to find the right equipment, prepare for the round and call to make sure the golf course is actually open.
Although we have played golf in the snow before, it’s generally not the best experience!
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