Do you ever hear these big names in golf that come up the ranks and then disappear just as fast as they arrived?
This is unfortunately quite common in the game, mostly because of the amount of talent and the way that golfers’ interests will switch.
George Gankas has been a leading instructor and leader of a golf academy for many years.
His recent switch to his own community and forum has many wondering what happened to George Gankas.
Let’s take a look at the new academy, how it works, and all that it offers its users.
What Happened to George Gankas?
George Gankas has started a new program called George Gankas Golf.
This program is built for players who are interested in online instruction and game improvement.
There are lots of interesting features about George Gankas Golf that are worth investigating and discovering a bit further.
It should be noted that George Gankas is the coach for Mathew Wolff.
Wolff is a player on the PGA Tour who has been playing some incredible golf in the 2021 season.
Let’s take a bit of a deeper look into the George Gankas online golf program and why you should or shouldn’t trust him with your golf game.
What Is Included with the George Gankas Online Academy?
Before signing up for any online instructional program, you are going to want to make sure that there is enough value for you.
Not everyone offers the same content online, and sometimes the teaching theories and philosophies are not the best fit for your game.
Luckily, the George Gankas Online Academy is rather thorough and has quite a bit to offer.
Here are the things that you can expect.
1. Online Academy
The online academy is quite extensive.
There are 17 different courses that have full programs covering all different areas of the game.
We like that the courses are split into groups so that you can choose one section at a time and work on the modules as you see fit.
If you know that the short game is an area where you struggle the most, start there and move on to the other areas of the game.
The academy was a major project to put together, and there is information in there that will take you months, if not years, to get through.
2. Forum
Probably one of the most beneficial things about the George Gankas program is the forum.
Having a group of like-minded golfers who are collectively working on improving their game and finding more enjoyment in golf is a very valuable asset.
The forum is only open to those who are part of the program and are paying members of the group.
If you are part of the forum, you will also get access to some live streams that will give you in-depth and new information that is not currently part of the training modules.
These updates and additions to the program really set it apart from other classes on the market.
The last thing you want is to buy into something and then have it be kind of stagnant.
3. Live Question and Answer
The live question and answer sessions are a great option if you have the time to be active on the website.
During scheduled times, Gankas will go on and offer to answer questions live.
You can chime in with some of the things you have been curious about, and he will respond and answer.
These are typically scheduled well in advance so that you can adjust your schedule appropriately to be able to take advantage of this resource.
As you go through the modules and work on your game, it’s a good idea to keep track of everything that is said and write down questions as you proceed.
Most questions can be answered in the forums and through the online content, but there is always a chance something else could come up.
4. Faults and Fixes
There is a section inside the academy that deals with faults and fixes in the golf game.
Regardless of the trouble that you are having with your swing, there is likely a section covering the information you need.
Once you have that section pinpointed, you can read to find out how to fix the issues with your game.
Chances are you can find a drill or a tip that will help you get working on your game and be able to make the adjustments that you need in your swing.
There is nothing more frustrating than being unequipped to fix the problems that you have with your swing.
If you want to take the game to the next level, you have to understand your faults but, more importantly, know how to fix them.
The faults and fixes portion is one of our favorite benefits of the George Gankas program.
5. Skills and Drills
Do you know what it takes to get your game to the next level?
Some players know they can improve, but they don’t know how to zero in on what actually needs to be fixed.
Do they need to spend more time hitting short game shots?
Should a fade be incorporated into the game?
The skills and drills section of the website allows you to see what you need to work on and how you can take your game to the next level.
Drills will give you actionable tips to lower your scores and learn aspects of the game that you may not have otherwise known.
Many great players can tell you that the difference between their game now and their game when they were mid handicappers simply has to do with the number of shots they know how to hit.
If you have lots of options when you step over a golf ball, chances are you can get your game to the next level simply by understanding what that will take.
Once that understanding is in place, the rest should fall into place.
6. Mobile Stats App
Stat tracking is becoming more and more important for golfers.
When you can track your stats, you are able to zero in on the areas that need the most work.
If you notice that you hit every single green in regulation but still shot 90, it is possible that you have a serious putting problem.
The information on the Gankas website allows you to keep all of your stats in one place and access them whenever you need to.
You can then use these stats to start to make goals for yourself to improve.
The more accurate and honest your stats are, the quicker you will be able to get your scores to where they need to be.
If you three-putt six greens, you must be honest about it.
The three-putting is a sign that you can work on something to truly help you become a better player.
In addition, the knowledge that your putting is causing issues in your game allows you to go back in and take a look at the putting training that is offered on the website.
7. Private Lesson Vlog
Last but certainly not least is the private lesson vlog.
This is such a unique and valuable asset that it is almost worth joining just for this.
Golf professionals who are great teachers have a real eye for what a player is doing wrong.
Most amateur golfers can’t figure out what is wrong with their swing and would never know what to tell a friend about what is wrong with their shots.
With the Gankas vlog, you can watch George in action as he teaches some of his best students.
This kind of information is not only interesting to watch, but you can get some really valuable insight as to what could work well for your golf game.
Finding a lesson from a golfer who was struggling with the same things you are can give you the answers you need to get your game back on track.
Watching golf lessons is extremely interesting, and it is something that more players should do.
The more knowledge that you can gain about this game, the better your chances are of scoring low for years to come.
How Much Is the George Gankas Academy?
Obviously, the price you pay for the academy is going to have to be worth it for you.
Many golfers struggle with the fact that golf is already an expensive game.
When you start adding in additional expenses like this, it can be difficult to handle the costs.
The price for the Gankas one-year program is $499.
If you are nervous about paying for everything up front, you can do the month-to-month plan with actually costs a bit more at $49.99 per month.
Overall, the value is certainly less than a traditional golf lesson, but you have to be able to absorb this type of information and apply it to your game.
If you are a player who has a hard time reading something and then applying it to your game, chances are you will struggle with a program like this.
If, however, you are a self-starter and you are really trying to practice and work until your golf game is as good as the pros, this is exactly what you need.
You will have more than enough resources to make this a success.
The most important part about the expenses involved with an academy like this is to ensure that you are using what you have offered to you.
If you pay $50 per month and only log in twice per year, clearly, you are not getting a good value.
If, however, you spend time on the website each day, then the $50 a month will be a well-justified way to spend your extra golf money.
The Gankas Academy is broken down into three basic steps.
You will learn the concepts, apply them on the golf course, and then grow as a player.
The way the information is broken down means that players of all skill levels can jump in and get started immediately.
Is George Gankas Just for Low Handicappers?
Since Gankas has a relationship with some of the best players in the world, you may be wondering if this program he developed is for the very low handicap players.
Although low handicappers will benefit from the depth of information in this program, the mid and high handicappers will be able to significantly lower their scores as well.
The great thing about something like this is that it is self-paced.
If you feel as though you are moving too slow or too fast, you can simply make the necessary adjustments.
If you don’t understand the concepts, you can back things up and go over the fundamentals again.
Whatever way you need this to work for you, you can make it work.
Great players who want to ensure they will get enough from the program will really enjoy dissecting the video lessons and interacting on the forums.
Will the George Gankas Academy Continue to Offer New Information?
One of the biggest issues with these online academies and sources of information is that they put some great information on the website, and then they stop adding to it.
Of course, it is great to get this valuable content, but if you want to continue improving and getting your game to the next level, it is essential to have access to new content.
This concept of charging people month after month does not work if the content is not continually being updated.
There are new things that we learn about golf and especially about ball flight data each and every day.
If the academy stays up to date on the latest discoveries and innovations, then you will be able to stay on top of your own game.
In addition, you will want to continue paying your fees month to month.
Paying your fees and staying engaged with the latest content is the goal of Gankas as well.
It benefits all involved to add more content and keep things as active as possible.
Is the George Gankas Program Worth It?
There are quite a few online resources when it comes to improving your golf game.
Some people have proven to be great teachers and educators.
Others are new to the idea, and they likely don’t have much to offer.
The one thing we know about Gankas is that he certainly knows what he is doing.
He has built an impressive base of students, and he has undoubtedly helped Matthew Wolff to take his game to an incredibly high level.
Gankas has proven himself as an effective instructor and a good communicator.
The real deciding factor in whether or not the program is worth it comes down to how you feel about teaching yourself the game.
If you don’t think you can take information and turn it into the change you need in your game, then you likely need to try another avenue.
Learn what it takes to help you improve as a golfer, and then invest in that.
If you are good at self-instruction and diligence, this is a great way to take your game to the next level.
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