Golf shoes do not last forever. It’s unfortunate that golf gear can be so expensive, and it constantly needs to be replaced and upgraded to meet the needs of your game. However, there are sales and deals to be found. You just need to know where and when to look. Sometimes when we see golf shoes go on sale, we will buy a few pairs at once. Let’s face it: ...
What Color Golf Bag Should I Get? (Explained)
Golf bags are offered in dozens of colors. It is just one of the many considerations that golfers have to make when choosing a golf bag. However, if you are not careful, you can end up with a golf bag that is not a great color. If you pick a golf bag that is not the right color, you can expect to need a replacement sooner and to have much more cleaning to ...
What Size Golf Tee Should I Use? (Explained)
Have you ever walked into a golf shop and noticed that there was a wide range of golf tees to choose from? In fact, you may have seen how many tees there were and had no idea which size you should be using for your game. That is completely understandable. Golfers have a lot of questions about tee height and length. These are good questions to consider as ...
Should I Wear A Glove When Putting? (Explained)
Wearing a glove while you putt is convenient. You do not have to stop to take the glove off your hand to putt; you can simply work your way around the course with the glove on the entire time. However, although this is convenient, you may be wondering whether or not this is the right way to go about this process. Should you be wearing a glove when you putt, ...
Why Is Golf More Expensive In The Morning? (Explained)
Golf is more expensive when you play in the early part of the day. This is unfortunate for those who love a morning round. However, there are some reasons behind this. If you have been wondering why golf is more expensive in the morning, we have the answers you need. After many years in the golf industry, we have some insider tips for saving money on your ...