Golfers are always looking for ways to improve their golf games and take them to the next level.
Sometimes the best way to do that is with the help of a great teacher.
There is no question that a golf professional with excellent information can help us all lower our scores and improve our overall skills as a golfer.
In years past, golfers would be limited by the knowledge of the professionals in their community.
However, with the internet and online golf academies opening up, access to information is unlimited.
One golf professional who has a unique and interesting approach to the game of golf is Jim Venetos.
If you are considering joining his online academy or want to know more about his theories, you are in the right place.
Jim Venetos (How Can He Help Your Golf Game?)
Who Is Jim Venetos?
Jim Venetos is a golf teaching professional who has some unique theories and ideas about the game of golf.
Venetos does not believe in traditional teaching methods, and he works quite hard to establish that his theories have been biomechanically proven.
Venetos focuses quite a bit on science and why it plays such a factor in the game of golf.
If you have been struggling with your golf game, the Venetos method could be something to look into.
Overall, the concepts he describes are relatively easy to understand.
If you can learn to implement them, you can undoubtedly take your game to another level.
What Are Jim Venetos Theories on the Game of Golf?
Before investing your time and or money with any teacher, you need to consider the information they are putting out.
If the information they offer is not a proper fit for your game, you need to be aware that it could negatively impact your game.
A major part of the process of golf education is to understand the concepts and theories and to make sure you believe in them.
Here are the things that Jim Venetos believes in the most.
1. Preset
The most important thing for a golfer is to get into a perfect setup position.
Although the traditional golf setup position has been in place for hundreds of years, Venetos argues that it is not correct.
With a standard golf setup, your shoulders will be square, and they will be parallel to your target line.
Your feet will also be set up on this same line.
Essentially, all of your body will be square on a line which is parallel to the target.
Venetos argues that this setup is partly what prevents the golfer from completing a full turn and getting the most benefit out of their swing.
His preset golf setup is a bit interesting and will offer a very unique look for the golfer.
With the Venetos setup, you are going to have your shoulders turned to the right of the target.
Essentially, your right shoulder is going to drop back, and your shoulder line will be a bit more open.
This shoulder preset allows the golfer to have much less work to do on the backswing.
It also makes it possible for a golfer to get to a very shallow approach to the golf ball.
The preset is one of the most important parts of the entire Venetos concept and swing theory.
In fact, without this preset, the rest of the theory does not work nearly as well.
Many golfers look as though they have already started their turn back into their swing.
In reality, they have just placed their body into this proper opening position.
A golfer who is switching to the Venetos way is going to have to really perfect the setup before they can move on to the other steps in this process.
2. Weight Forward
Once the Venetos setup is mastered, the golfer needs to learn how to turn back and complete their golf swing.
The way Venetos makes this happen is to have the golfer keep the majority of their weight on the left side as they swing.
Keeping their weight on the left side helps make it so the golfer has less turn and less room for error.
When a golfer turns back, they will keep this weight centered on the left side and use the rest of their body to create the small but powerful backswing.
Keeping the weight more forward in this golf swing certainly helps a player to get a more descending blow on their shots.
The descending blow will give a much higher ball flight and more spin and distance as well.
In the beginning, the golfer will feel that not transferring weight back will likely cost them a bit of distance.
In reality, most players will gain some distance and certainly quite a bit of consistency by keeping their weight more forward.
Although there are certain angles which need to be in place, and a release must occur, the weight forward method is something that works not only for the Venetos theory.
3. Shallow Swing
Another reason the Jim Venetos golf swing works is that it is a very shallow swing.
A shallow swing is certainly better for the golfer who wants to hit a draw and have a better angle of attack.
Jim Venetos will argue that the shallow golf swing also gives a player an increase in distance.
The idea behind this is that the shallow golf swing is going to be a longer approach to the ball.
Since there is more distance and a better angle approaching the golf ball, there will very likely be more power as well.
The shallow golf swing is something all great players strive to achieve.
The reason Venetos says the shallow swing is so easy in his theory is that it is a position you can easily get into when you set your shoulders up in the preset.
Since the shoulders are going to be a bit more open, you will create room in your backswing.
This room allows the golf club to swing back and then drop into the proper position.
When your shoulders are square or closed, as Venetos calls them, you will feel as though you block yourself out of this type of shot.
This blocking out will make players come over the top and have a more upright golf swing.
The upright swing causes more misses to the right, and if the player tries to overcorrect, it can also cause a miss of a pull left.
Overall, an upright golf swing is not ideal, but Venetos argues that you will no longer have to worry about this if you stay on his path and set yourself up for success at the beginning of your swing.
4. Do Not Swing Hard
The last and problem most key element in the Venetos swing method is that you cannot swing the club hard.
Most golfers try to swing the club harder than they should to create extra power.
What most amateurs don’t realize is that an efficient golf swing is certainly going to be better than a fast and wild swing.
Venetos argues that, once you have your setup in the preset position and you make your turn, you should not need to swing hard.
In fact, if you swing hard, you may end up with the club falling into a bad position.
In order for all of this to work, your tempo is going to have to be very good.
The fact that the Venetos swing method requires golfers to take it easy and allow their swing to happen more naturally is a good thing.
Many players need this, and they don’t think it is possible because of a lack of power.
Venetos can show you that there is no lack of power in his method.
Power is something that will come from the shallow swing and the more efficient use of the golf club.
You will probably find that you also get much less tired when using the Venetos method.
How Can Venetos Help Your Game?
Jim Venetos has set up an online golf academy which can help players all over the world.
When you sign up for the Venetos Golf Academy, you get access to all of the videos and information that Venetos has ever put out about the game of golf.
You will see that he has a lot of lessons on all things related to golf, not just his full swing methodology.
You will also find that you can submit videos of your golf swing and have them analyzed.
After the videos are analyzed, you will get customized lessons which will help you understand what you need to work on in your golf game.
Getting personalized information based on what your golf swing needs is a huge benefit and something that many golfers are searching for.
With the access that we all have to cameras in today’s world, it is relatively easy to get a video of your swing.
After you have created this video, you can then use it for golf swing analysis and to help get your game back on track.
Another great thing about the Venetos Academy is the troubleshooting lab.
This is an area where you can describe the problems you are having and see what solutions may be offered.
Chances are, if you are having trouble with some part of your game, another golfer has already dealt with this same problem at some point.
The Jim Venetos Golf Academy also lets like-minded players discuss the game of golf and work together towards common goals.
Most of the time, golfers are going to be happy for each other when progress is made.
Overall, the academy is very complete, and it is a great option to consider if you are going to subscribe to the Venetos golf method.
Is the Jim Venetos Academy Worth It?
The big question is whether or not the Venetos academy is something that is worth paying for.
As a struggling golfer, any option to help fix your game is going to seem like a good idea.
You have to be careful what you sign up for, and you must make sure that you are getting a fair value and a good plan for your game.
The Venetos Academy is an excellent option if you believe in his theories.
These theories go a bit against some of the traditional golf thinkers and educators.
Certainly, you can see that this method works just from Venetos himself and other golfers using it.
You will have to decide for yourself if this is a change you are going to be willing to make in your game.
This type of golf swing change will be a major one, and it will take some time and dedication.
One tip of advice that is worth considering is that sometimes it is best to stick with swing mechanics which feel more natural to you as a player.
All golfers should be playing with the skills that make them the strongest.
If the best part of your game is your extension and your weight transfer back and through the ball, then the Venetos method is not for you.
Try to narrow down your strengths and weaknesses.
In the end, it may be best to go with a golf academy or teaching professional who teaches you how to work with your strengths as opposed to teaching just one swing.
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